Tuesday, June 25, 2013

An Instep to Someone Else's Heel

There's a wonderful meditation on the endless question of home, which is always worth answering anew, by this poet, scholar and friend. 

Because I want reading to be as sensory an experience as possible, I hope the video clip will help you hear his voice as you move through his words grappling with this topic.

I'm happy that my draft board became part of a conversation, and that I can pass it on. That's why we do this thing called writing after all, isn't it? In college, I had a phenomenal professor with the appropriate moniker Professor Bueno.  He was good in every way a human being can be, and it was his course on "Literature of Social Protest" that helped me understand the act of writing to break the solitude (romper la soledad) is a political act of solidarity, rather than a selfish impulse. 

Orhan Pamuk explains this well, "By nature all good novels are political because identifying with the other is political."

No matter where I live physically, I always enjoy Adele's "Hometown Glory" because her chorus about memories from her hometown being fresh continues by saying,

   Oh, the people I've met.

Those people are my most continuous hometown, the one I build that will exist on this earth for about the same amount of time I will.

If you are new to this blog and curious about the theme, check out the post Where I Was From, over to your right.

-CMMOB, June 25, 2013.

The People I've Met Are the Wonders of the My World

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